Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Rekindled by Tamera Alexander

Title: Rekindled

Year Published: 2006
How long has this book been sitting in your TBR? I think I bought it July, 2006. That's not too bad. I have older.

B.O.B.B: Ten years ago, Kathryn Jennings made a Vow. For better or worse. And that promise still holds true, even though her marriage has not turned out as she expected. When her husband fails to return home one stormy winter night, she struggles to keep their ranch, but her efforts are blocked at every turn. After a shocking glimpse into her husband’s past, Kathryn uncovers a hidden truth. What she wouldn’t give to turn back time and be able to love her husband for the man that he was, not for the man she always wanted him to be.
Larson Jennings has spent his entire life running from a broken past, unable to trust, reluctant to try again. One fateful night, his life takes an unexpected twist, and soon he is forced to make a choice. Whatever he chooses, his decision may cost him his life.

Why did you buy this book? It was recommended to me by a member of my book club. Since some members listen to my suggestions, I thought it rude not to purchase a suggested book by someone else. Needless to say, it was an unenthusiastic purchase as prairie romances don’t interest me.

Do I like the cover? Not really. By now, you probably have guessed I prefer not to see the characters full face. I like to envision their appearance without help. Here the model looks like she’s in costume. And her perfectly arched eyebrows! Did they arch them in the 1860's. Maybe they did, I've seen it done with string.
I like "Larson’s" blurred image in the background because it fits the story and still allows me the opportunity to envision him.

Did I like the story? Now, having written that I wouldn’t normally pick up a prairie romance, you would think I really didn’t like the book. Well...cue the confetti...this is my favorite read of the year!!!! Yes! I’m going to start a favorite books of 2007 sidebar soon and this title is on it.
I absolutely loved this story.

This only goes to prove how we must read outside of our own experiences. There are gems to be found!! I’m still moved by my favorite mainstream fiction read of last year, The Space Between Us by Thrity Umrigar. How will you grow, if you don’t know? Enough said. Back to our normal programming...

Tamera Alexander writes a moving, multilayered novel that speaks to many themes. The themes of spiritual awakening and unlikely friendships touched me the most. My breath was taken away as I read a male character fall in love with Jesus.

There is a short friendship in the story which shows how God uses the most unlikely people to further his work. The heart-rending thing is, some friendships are not promised in our lives forever; some only share a small season of time, but their affect on our lives are everlasting.

In Kathryn, I found almost the perfect heroine. Not so much where you didn’t believe her character or found her nauseating. The reader witnesses when she struggles with herself. But I have to admit, I grew to care for her so much that remember in the movie MISERY when a fan nursed her favorite author to health, only to maim him after learning he did something horrible to her beloved character.? Well, I had the same reaction. ( not the maiming part but I felt her angst) While I was reading a horrifying part in the story happening to Kathryn, I thought, NO You can’t do this to her. Not Kathryn. No, not KATHRYN!!! Then I wanted to fall out laughing, thinking...It’s just a book!!! LOL

I’m going to stop here...I can go on and on about the story I didn’t want to see end.

Would I read this author again. Yes I would seek out this author again. I’m still not sure I will seek out other prairie romances not authored by her or Francine Rivers.

Do you have a question or statement for the author? Yes. Write faster. (Um. Er. She did, I need to read faster...see below. I knew about book 2, not 3.)

Are you keeping it or passing it on? Touch my book; experience my wrath.
I don’t reread much, but I will this one.
Visit Tamera's website here!
Remembered, Book Three of Fountain Creek series comes out June 2007. I've got to read Revealed, book 2!! (See all covers on her website.)


Rel said...

Guess what - I liked Revealed even better than Rekindled!!!

CeeCee said...

Whaaat! I can't WAIT to read it. After clerical error after clerical error, I finally own a copy. You've just inched it closer to the top of my TBR pile.