Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sample challenge questions

I'm going to answer these for the challenge:

  1. Title
  2. Author
  3. Copyright
  4. How long was the book languishing in your TBR pile?
  5. What made you buy/borrow the book in the first place?
  6. What were your thoughts on the story?
  7. Now do you wish you read the book sooner?
  8. Any questions/statements for the author?
  9. Where will the book reside now?
  10. The challenge is to read a book in a new genre or read a book you normally wouldn't read. Do you see the genre/sub genre in a new light? Will you read another book like this one?

Feel free to answer these questions, pick your own questions, or review your book any way you please.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI'm still reading my book so I'm not ready to link my blog. So far, it's really good too. Too bad I didn't read it sooner.

How is yours coming along?

Next month, if anyone joins me, I'll probably have some kind of first-person-to-be linked contest. I'll see.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

2nd Prize Has Been Chosen!!!!

Cue the Confetti!!!!

Jennifer at So Many Books... has added Miss Invisible by Laura Jensen Walker to her TBR!!!

Congratulations Jennifer!!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

You Can Still Join

The Contest may be closed.

Let's say it together, "AWWL SHUCKS!"

But you still can join the March challenge. Just leave a comment and you've joined.

Happy reading!!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

The Winner has chosen!


Deborah chose Elementary Dear Watkins by Mindy Starns Clark as her prize for joining the March challenge and posting why she needed to whittle down her TBR!!!

Yeah Deborah!!

Still time to enter the contest extended to 3/11.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I can't read Defiance for my TBR challenge!

The object (duh!) is to find a older TBR book, outside my favorite genre, in my pile. Sheesh! I've just bought Defiance. (If you have to borrow or buy a book outside your favorite genre, it's okay.) But I have books in my TBR that I wouldn't normally read.

So, I guess I'll read....Betrayal in Paris by Doris Elaine Fell

Don't forget the CONTEST!!

Monday, March 5, 2007

March Pick

I'm really struggling with finding a book outside of my favorite genre. I really love romantic comedy, but since joining CFBA, I have been acquainted with more books I would normally not read. And that's a good thing. A very good thing.

I think I will go with a book I would not ordinarily buy:

Sunday, March 4, 2007


The first two people to comment their reason why they just have to whittle down their TBR pile will win a trade paperback/mass-market paperpack of their choosing.

Oh, yes. You will join the challenge as well, right? Right.

You read anyway. Your TBR pile is overwhelming. And you blog!

I'll list your blog under the CHALLENGE link on the sidebar; then when you've posted your review on your site, I'll link it. This way, we can visit your blog.

Great way to get new reading suggestions AND...

Whittle down the ole TBR list!

Contest ends March 9th. Hurry.