Thursday, November 30, 2006


I saw this type of challenge among two different genres. So I thought it would be fun to have a Christian fiction challenge.

It's simple. You're already doing it. You're an avid reader. You probably host your own blog. If you do not have a blog, you can post here.

This is how it works. Well, (lets use December) you sign up here saying you will read a Christmas-themed story of your choosing. At the end of the month, I'll list you as the winner of the challenge with a book reaction/review link to your blog. (In future months, I will award book prizes.)

Now others can tour your blog to see what you've read.

And don't fret. I'll have quick questions to answer if you're lost for words.



Is this author new to you? (Would you search out the author again? Are you now researching their back list?)

Did you like the story?

Where will this book live when you're done? (In a safe deposit box? In the nearest recycling pile. No. We're not mean here. Is it a keeper, a loaner, etc.)

You get the gist. You can write as much or as little as you want. In any format.

Have FUN.

This is a good way to...

... get good reading recommendations. new avid readers.

...And of course, promote what we love. Christian Fiction.

Are you up to the challenge?