Tuesday, February 6, 2007

February Challenge

I saw this challenge in two other genres and thought it would be fun with Christian fiction. So, I'm challenging myself to whittle down my TBR pile. If you'd like to join me, leave a comment.

It's easy...you read a book in your TBR pile or a new book. Then, you answer the questions about the book or write your own review. Let me know you have it posted and I will add a link to your blog.

Great way to get ideas on new books and to meet new readers.

I think I'm going to discuss this one. I have been taking my time reading Rekindled by Tamera Alexander because I want to savor it. This story is more than love between a man and a woman; it's love between man and God.


Rel said...

Hi Cee Cee - sorry I haven't joined you in the challenge yet but I am snowed at the moment with all manner of things including family/work/review stuff! Hope to post one of these days!

CeeCee said...

Puhleez Rel, No Worries. Did I say it right?

I was thinking about letting this blog become dormant because I'm not in any Yahoo reading groups. Look at my links...all CFBA and FIRST. Committed people.

You are already committed as a reviewer, so DON'T worry. If I'm still posting and you're able, I'll be glad to see you post.