Tuesday, January 2, 2007

January Challenge

January's challenge is to find a new-to-you author buried in your TBR (to-be-read pile).

TBR pile?

You know that ever-increasing pile. The one you pass off as a bed post. The pile you made into a side table in your bathroom. The pile of books your cat mistakes for a scratching post.

Yeah. Those piles. Don't worry, I have them too. But mine are neatly categorized on bookshelves. By genre and author. (LOL)

Now just choose a book to read.

I think I'm going to read a book not far down in the pile. I just received it in December. Yes, I do have older books, but this one piques the interest right now.

Promise Me Always, by Christine Lynxwiler.


Christine Lynxwiler said...

How cool! I can't wait to see what you think.

CeeCee said...

The cool thing is an award-winning author wants to know what I think...smelling salts please.LOL